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In 1996, Rocky Patel founded Rocky Patel Cigars to create the very best handmade cigars on the market. Over two decades later, we think it’s safe to say he hit the nail on the head. Today there are dozens of Rocky Patels on the market. Each one is the result of Rocky’s unprecedented diligence and passion — hard work that has paid off in spades with countless 90+ ratings.
If you’re looking to try Rocky Patel cigars for the first time, we’ve got some great recommendations ranging from mellow-medium strength all the way to intense and full-bodied cigars. For those who want a mellow cigar that doesn’t break the bank, explore the Rocky Patel Connecticut. If you want to try some of Rocky’s classic offerings, you’ll want to look towards the Vintage 1990 and Vintage 1992. Finally, if you’re interested in Rocky’s fullest-bodied blends, look no further than Sun Grown Maduro or The Edge Corojo.
Whichever Rocky Patel cigar you choose, rest assured knowing you’re selecting from a family run company that maintains quality and precision above all.