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Davidoff cigars have always been associated with the highest-caliber of tobacco products, and for good reason. These handcrafted gems boast exquisite and balanced flavor profiles across the board, making them the perfect blends to reach for when you want to celebrate the good that life has to offer. Founded in Cuba and continuing to produce in the Dominican Republic at the highest standards of quality, Davidoff cigars are the purest of pure luxury. Shop all your favorite Davidoff cigars, pipe tobaccos, and accessories, right here at Cigars International.
If you’re not sure where to start with Davidoff, we’d recommend checking out the Aniversario series. A medium-bodied, Ecuador Connecticut wrapped stick, Aniversario offers a blend of 4-year-aged tobaccos. If you prefer your cigars full-bodied and rich, you can’t go wrong with Davidoff Nicaragua. This 95-rated work of art showcases a 10-year-aged Cuban-seed Nicaraguan Rosado wrapper leaf. Finally, the Davidoff Winston Churchill has been making headlines with the Late Hour, a cigar featuring tobaccos aged in whiskey barrels to honor the legendary Sir Winston Churchill himself.