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Sometimes, you want a great cigar to celebrate life’s special moments. Sometimes, any old cigar just won’t do. Because sometimes you want the best of the best, the cream of the crop. Enter Padron cigars. Established in 1964, Padron consistently makes some of the best cigars in the world. And that’s not just us saying it. This is a brand that has been rated 90 or higher over 100 times, including an astounding 97-rating on the Padron 1926 Serie.
So what makes Padron one of the top cigar brands? It’s simple — they’re family owned, and they pay personal attention to every single premium cigar that comes out of their highly-esteemed factory. That quality control isn’t just talk, either — in all our years enjoying cigars we’ve never had a “bad” Padron. It just doesn’t happen. The only question now is where to start. If you’re looking for a mellower cigar, check out Padron Damaso — it’s a newer release in their legacy, but is one of our favorite Connecticuts on the market. And of course the standard Padron cigar is a great place to start: 93-rated, Nicaraguan made box-pressed cigars, with a delicious and complex array of flavors. You can't go wrong with the 95-rated Padron 1964 Anniversary Series.