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Diesel cigars are the finely tuned sports cars of the cigar world. With plenty of power under the hood, yet a remarkably graceful and smooth ride, there’s plenty to love about this high-octane blend. Started in Nicaragua under the watchful eye of renowned blender A.J. Fernandez, Diesel is a high-octane blend that strives to bring top-shelf quality and flavor to Everyday Joe at everyman prices. So go ahead, put the pedal to the floor and grab some Diesels today. Don’t know where to start? Diesel Unholy Cocktail is the original blend that started it all. This indescribably satisfying element yields a layered, spicy-sweet full-bodied profile that’ll keep you constantly coming back for seconds. Wanna kick up that morning coffee? Add a dose of Diesel Uncut .CT —a medium-bodied palate pleaser that brings a delicious Connecticut wrapper to the table. Any Diesel you can get your hands on is worth your time, so flip a coin, pick a blend, and enjoy.