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If you’re looking for one of the smoothest, most celebrated cigars the world over, I’ve got great news — you’re in the right place. Davidoff Signature Series has been a staple in the humidors of discerning cigar enthusiasts for years, and if you haven’t tried one yet, you’re in for a real treat. Utilizing only the finest, perfectly-aged tobaccos, Davidoff Signature is consistently delicious.
Available in a wide variety of sizes, there’s bound to be a Davidoff Signature that fits your preferences. These cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic, featuring an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf over Dominican binders and long-fillers. Each cigar delivers a smooth profile of natural tobacco and cream, with a clean and elegant finish. A must-have for your top-shelf, pick up a few Davidoff Signatures today.
Good news! The Davidoff Signature Series has received a 91-point rating! According to the review: "Sweet and nutty from first puff to last, this thin sandy-colored panetela draws and burns beautifully. Notes of vanilla, cinnamon and almond leave a light, lemony aftertaste on the finish."
For a limited time only, score a Davidoff The Ritual Gift Set (worth $120) for only $5 more with select Davidoff box purchases!