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A dozen Davidoffs
Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff cigars are high in price and high in quality. Each one looks stunning and burns like a dream. Seamless wrappers, perfect burn, easy draw, relentless consistency, balanced flavor….time and again. Rolled by a select few and blended to perfection, all Davidoff cigars feature 4 year aged, hand-selected Dominican fillers. Enjoy a sampling of Davidoff's finest blends.The Davidoff 12-Cigar Assortment Box includes:1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto (5.2” x 50)1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Petite Corona (4.5” x 41)1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Piramides (6.1” x 52)1 - Davidoff Anniversario No.3 (6” x 50)1 - Davidoff Special ‘R’ (4.9” x 50)1 - Davidoff Special ‘T’ (6” x 52)1 - Davidoff No. 2 (6” x 38)1 - Davidoff Short Perfecto (4.9” x 52)1 - Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 (5.6” x 43)1 - Davidoff Grand Cru No. 4 (4.6” x 41)1 - Davidoff 2000 (5” x 43)1 - Davidoff 4000 (6.1” x 42)