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Time for a Grand celebration!
Davidoff cigars have been some of the best in the business since 1946. No exaggeration. Grand Cru celebrates the heritage of this highly prestigious line, honoring the original blends and sizes made by Zino Davidoff. Decades later, Grand Cru still stands up, offering a mellow to medium-bodied profile that any cigar enthusiast can enjoy.
Grand Cru is a cigar that immediately impresses. Gazing upon this fine specimen, you’ll note the seamless, smooth Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut wrapper leaf, and the timeless Davidoff artwork. Most importantly, lighting it up, you’ll find a bouquet of complexity that only Davidoff can provide. Buttery and nutty in the beginning, Grand Cru develops subtle spice, cedar, and that signature Davidoff “grassiness” as it burns. Check out Davidoff Grand Cru today — you won’t be disappointed.