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Limited edition and world renowned.When looking for a top-notch handmade cigar, the proof is in the pudding. And Davidoff has an oversized bowl of some of the best pudding you’ve ever tasted. People travels for miles to get their hands on these high-quality blends, and when a limited edition Davidoff hits the shelves, you bet your bottom dollar they’re hitting the fast lane with the radar detector out. Which brings us to the cigar at hand here today. Davidoff Colorado Claro has it all. A deep, complex profile stacked with refined flavors of nut, leather, and an array of woodsy notes...and that just scratches the surface. The blend is based on Davidoff’s 92-rated Special Series with one major difference. Colorado Claro utilizes an Ecuadorian Connecticut Sun Grown wrapper, which more closely resembles a maduro than the light tan wrapper you would expect from a Connecticut. This is one release I suggest you plan your night around and soak it in to the fullest.