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They're Davidoffs. They're in a tube. What more do you need?
Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff cigars are the highest quality blends on the market. Flawlessness is the name of the game. From the seamless wrappers and impeccable burn to their exquisite flavor, each Davidoff will leave you craving more. Rolled by a select few and blended to perfection, all Davidoff cigars feature 4 year aged, hand-selected Dominican fillers. Enjoy a sampling of Davidoff - a box of 3 cigars, each individually tubed. The Davidoff Tubo Sampler includes:1 - Davidoff Signature Series 2000 Tubo (5" x 43)1 - Davidoff Aniversario Special 'R' Tubo (4.9" x 50)1 - Davidoff Signature Series No. 2 Tubo (6" x 38)
If your looking for a grab-n-go gift for the cigar smoker, this is it! My brother bought these for me, great tasting mild cigars. I wish that I could afford to smoke these every day. :)