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In recent years, CAO cigars has become one of the most sought after handmade brands. Period. Equipped with an impressively massive portfolio of 90+ rated cigars, walk into any group of cigar enthusiasts and you’re guaranteed to find a handful of CAO fans. Always innovative, and never satisfied with simply resting on their laurels, CAO cigars strive to be different. You may not know this, but CAO actually got their start in the pipe tobacco game. But after mastering that, they turned their eye to the world of cigars, and history was made. So where do you start with a massive brand like CAO? If you’re looking for mellow fare, CAO Black has been called by many, “The best cigar I’ve had, bar none.” That Ecuador Connecticut wrapped handmade is served up here at CI in bundles of 20 for well below MSRP day in and day out. Want a bit more strength in your cigar? Taste tobaccos of the world with blends like the medium-bodied, naturally sweet CAO Italia. And if that’s not enough, grab the 95 rated, #3 Cigar of 2015: CAO Flathead. Meaty, bold, and undeniably flavorful.