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Padron Cigar of the Year Sampler New


Since 1964 Padron has been striving to bring every cigar aficionado the perfect cigar. As one of the most sought after boutique cigar brands, Padron’s primary mission is exceptional quality in a cigar as opposed to the quantity produced.  In working towards their mission, over the years Padron has delivered countless 90+ rated cigars to the premium cigar industry.  Assembled for you here is a top-shelf sampler pack of four of those gems that were also named Top Cigar of the Year from Padron. Purchase this 4 cigar collection and give your palate a taste of luxury on any special occasion.

Padron Cigar of the Year Sampler contains:
1 - Padron Family Reserve #45 Maduro (6” x 52) '95-rated
1 - Padron 1926 Series #9 Natural (5.25” x 56) '97-rated
1 - Padron 40th Anniversary Natural (6.5” x 54) '93-rated
1 - Padron 1964 Anniversary Torpedo (6 x 52) '97-rated

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MSRPMSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product.
4 Cigars
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