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Padron cigars are a series of robust Nicaraguan handmades boasting a deep and complex flavor. This brand continually gets high marks for consistency, and as such enjoys a loyal and enduring fan base.Padron cigars are Nicaraguan puros, as all of the leaves utilized to create the cigar are cultivated from the fertile soils of Esteli, Nicaragua. This mesmerizing mixture of hearty tobaccos produces a rich, robust smoke and offers a complex array of flavor capped off with a sweet finish. of the best. A collection of Padron's finest make up this premium sampler. Available in either Natural or Maduro.
The Padron 8-Cigar Sampler includes:1 - Padron 1926 #1 (6.7" x 54)1 - Padron 1926 #2 (5.5" x 52)1 - Padron 1926 #6 (4.7" x 50)1 - Padron 1964 Exclusivo (5.5" x 50)1 - Padron 1964 Torpedo (6" x 52)1 - Padron 1964 Imperial (6" x 54)1 - Padron 6000 Torpedo (5.5" x 54)1 - Padron 4000 (6.5" x 54)