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You'll understand why Macanudo is the best-selling cigar brand in America when you taste the consistency and smoothness of each handmade cigar. Since 1971, the Macanudo brand has been the cigar of choice for novice and enthusiast alike.
So where to start? Macanudo Café, by far, is the best-selling of the bunch. The 90-rated gem is mellow, smooth, and extremely consistent. Looking for something with more flavor? Try the 93-rated Macanudo Inspirado Orange. This award-winning cigar adds a totally different dimension to the fabled portfolio. Macanudo Inspirado Green offers a rich, flavorful Brazilian-wrapped blend to the bunch. And if you want something totally different, “M” by Macanudo adds a coffee-infused cigar into the mix that’s tough for anyone to turn down.
Macanudo cigars have earned their reputation over the years. Boasting a growing list of blends, Macanudo shows no signs of slowing down. So see what all the fuss is about and order your Macanudos from your friends here at CI.