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Torano is a very traditional cigar brand. First founded in 1916 in Cuba, they were tobacco growers first that later expanded into cigar makers. Across four generations in the Family, they have built up a great reputation as a brand of quality cigars that come at a fair price. This sampler here puts that on full display.
In the mix you’ll find a little bit of everything. The flagship, 93-Rated Exodus 1959 ’50 Years’ blend is sure to be a favorite, and to the smooth and creamy Casa Torano could be your new breakfast blend, while the Dominico blend provides a standup choice for an everyday value option. Check out the full lineup today!
The Torano Family Reunion Mega-Sampler Includes:4 – Torano Exodus Gold 1959 Robusto (5.0” x 52) – 92-Rated4 – Torano Exodus 1959 ’50 Years’ Robusto (5.0” x 52) – 93-Rated4 – Torano Dominico Robusto (5.0” x 50)4 – Torano Casa Torano Robusto (4.7” x 52)4 – Torano Noventa Santiago (5.0” x 50)