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The cigar rated by MAXIM and American Airlines magazine as "finest in the world."Gurkha is known for super-expensive, high-quality, well-aged premium cigars made with choice tobaccos. The Royal Reserve might just take the cake, as the line is among the most pricey in the world. The flat-out beautiful box packaging of this cigar makes it almost a shame to break open and enjoy. This high-ticket box contains 22 exquisite cigars that have been "super-infused" with Louis XIII cognac that will tease your palate. Medium to full bodied with a unique, ornate wax coating, sealed under glass. A collector’s item.
I'll be honest, I thought these went the way of the dinosaur. But, we recently received word from the manufacturer that these are still in limited production. This elusive handmade will only be around with very limited supply. There's no guarantee with how long they'll be available, so seize your opportunity to enjoy like royalty!
I picked up a 3 pack of these. This cigar was hands down one of the best I have ever had. I am not very skilled at explaining the different flavors and aromas but I was almost certain that there was a hint of blueberry. Phenominal cigar. I am looking forward to purchasing a whole box next time they are available. A must try.
I have smoked almost every kind of cigar on the planet and I have to say that The Royal Reserve puts most of them to shame. I really thought I had found my number one when I smoked the Stradivarius last year....NOPE!.... 10\10 on the Royal Reserve, they are even better than the Grand Reserve.
I had someone give me one of these. (Gurkha The Royal Reserve) I broke my new apartment in with it. If you get the chance to smoke one, TAKE IT. The best cigar i've smoked to date. Hopefully i can get another before too long. I cant say enough good things about The Royal Reserve line.
I bought box #104 of the Gurkha Royal Salute cigars. They are the best I have ever had. I don't regret the price at all!