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An unrivaled history
Founded by Graycliff resort owner, Enrico Garzaroli, the Graycliff cigar brand has easily established itself as one of the premier luxury choices among aficionados worldwide. Today, we welcome back Graycliff 1666, a blend originally crafted to celebrate the year that Graycliff’s main building was constructed. Known as the “Pride of the Bahamas,” this iconic piece of cigar history is a must-see for anyone visiting Nassau.
As for the cigar itself, it’s nothing short of fantastic. Handcrafted in Honduras, this dark and oily treat is cloaked in a near-perfect Costa Rican maduro leaf. Underneath, a rich and chewy tri-country blend of Honduran, Dominican, and Nicaraguan long-fillers marry together beautifully to deliver a profile that’s powerful, but smooth. Each puff reveals initial hints of black pepper, before mellowing out into a chocolate and cedar based profile that pairs perfectly with your favorite scotch or whiskey.