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AJ Fernandez… so smooth!
He may be loved as the Lord of Ligero, but AJ Fernandez doesn’t just make full-bodied powerhouse blends. No sir. You see, while uber-bold cigars like New World, Man O’ War Ruination, and Diesel Unholy Cocktail are all the rage with the AJ fanboys, his Connecticut blends are actually just as good — particularly in today’s case, with the introduction of La Gran Llave Connecticut.
Some of you may be familiar with AJ’s original, Mexican San Andres wrapped La Gran Llave Maduro. For those who are already a fan of the series, you’re going to find a ton more to love with this Connecticut remix. Much like the original Gran Llave, La Gran Llave Connecticut features a satisfyingly creamy core with notes of cedar, a natural barnyard/tobacco note, and slight hints of black pepper. Never overwhelming in body, but practically pouring forth in flavor, Gran Llave Connecticut is an easy recommendation.