Some brands make an impression, yet some enhance our appreciation for the craft of premium boutique cigars. Core is the latter, producing an unadulterated cigar experience with every toast of the foot. Draped in a dark Habano Ecuador sun-grown ligero wrapper, and chock full of Esteli ligero, Jamastran ligero, Pennsylvania Broadleaf, and Nicaraguan Ometepe ligero, CORE is a full-bodied cigar unleashing a barrage of flavor and character. Up front you'll notice a hearty rustic core of genuine tobacco flavor, with a warm aroma of rich oak and toast. Following close behind is a supporting cast of earth, leather, cream, and black pepper. The smoke is bold yet elegant, unveiling an unprecedented level of balance and a lengthy toasty finish.
Some brands make an impression, yet some enhance our appreciation for the craft of premium boutique cigars. Core is the latter, producing an unadulterated cigar experience with every toast of the foot. Draped in a dark Habano Ecuador sun-grown ligero wrapper, and chock full of Esteli ligero, Jamastran ligero, Pennsylvania Broadleaf, and Nicaraguan Ometepe ligero, CORE is a full-bodied cigar unleashing a barrage of flavor and character. Up front you'll notice a hearty rustic core of genuine tobacco flavor, with a warm aroma of rich oak and toast. Following close behind is a supporting cast of earth, leather, cream, and black pepper. The smoke is bold yet elegant, unveiling an unprecedented level of balance and a lengthy toasty finish.