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Cohiba cigars are the most recognizable blends in the entire world. Synonymous with extravagant taste and complex flavor, true enthusiasts know Cohiba to be one of the best cigar brands around. One look at their portfolio and you’ll understand.
For the fans of full-bodied cigars, Cohiba Nicaragua introduced a mixture of finely aged tobacco leaves into a bolder profile than Cohiba’s other classic blends. But of course, the most popular Cohiba cigar has always been the original. Cohiba Red Dot is the result of five years of intense research and study. It’s 90+ rated countless times, and its undeniably creamy and smooth. Looking for a mellow Cohiba to start your day? Look no further than Cohiba Connecticut. A smooth, creamy blend that pairs excellently with a cup of coffee.
No matter what cigar blends you like, Cohiba has you covered with a wide variety of top-notch cigars. And Cigars International has you covered with all your favorite Cohibas for sale, the widest selection and best prices in the business!