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Passion. Discipline. Great Tobaccos. AJ Fernandez.
Nowadays, you’d be hard pressed to browse our selection of cigars for more than a few minutes and not stumble into something made at the world renowned Tabacalera Fernadnez in Esteli, Nicaragua. And for good reason. In our decades of working in this fantastic industry, we don’t know if we’ve ever met someone with more raw talent and focused passion than AJ. Raised in Cuba and steeped in the tradition of premium cigars from a young age, AJ Fernandez is a generational blending master, producing some of the richest, most flavorful, and reliable cigars on the planet.
While AJ produces cigars for some of the world’s most sought-after brands, he also owns and operates his own label of cigars that are worth every ounce of praise they get. Founded on the importance of patience and time honored traditions, each cigar bearing the AJ Fernandez name promises an almost divine experience. From San Lotano to New World, AJF cigars are handcrafted using only the finest tobaccos aged to perfection.
If you want more AJ, check out some of the other boutique brands produced in his factory here: DieselMan O’ WarAve Maria5 Vegas Series ‘A’ Triple-A
AJ Fernandez Samplers