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Tatuaje hailing from Nicaragua.Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars are highly celebrated blends made in Nicaragua by Don "Pepin" Garcia, in the renowned My Father factory. Crafted entirely of 1st generation Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in the fertile soils of Nicaragua, expect a robust, medium to full-bodied cigar that's layered with subtle complexities. Bold and always on point, Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars never disappoint. Tatuaje is made in extremely limited quantities in order to maintain its ultra-high level of quality and consistency, making this one of the rarest cigars on the market. Get'em while you can.Tatuaje Cojonu Capa Especial recently received a 93-rating along with a spot in the Top 25 Cigars of the Year! In addition, the blend received a 92-rating noting: "Gorgeously pressed with a neat, three-seam cap. The smoke on this large cigar is chewy and thick, layering rich notes of molasses and hickory into the palate."
The Tatuaje brand is incredibly highly-rated, and features a huge variety of cigars. Shop them all here.
Bought one of these at a local shop....came highly recommended...very very nice stick...I will be buying at least a 5 pack from CI...REALLY enjoyed this one ! Little pricey for me but well worth it but CI prices beat the local shop even with shipping! Taste was very bite and very easy draw!
Love all 3 of the Cojonu '12 series, but the Maduro is by far my favorite.... Definitely in my top 3, and one of the very few sticks I willingly step into double-digit territory to enjoy.
great winter smokes....packed with flavor and the burn is wonderful.