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If the cigar fits, you must ‘aquit’.RoMa Craft Tobac bases their business on the three T’s – Tobacco, talent, and time. They take their time in sourcing and aging the finest leaves across the globe. This combined with expert craftsmanship is RoMa Craft’s prescription for success in producing consistently superb blends. The second addition to their heralded CroMagnon line, Aquitaine, gives the original a tune up in strength and flavor.CroMagnon Aquitaine hits the scene with guns blazing. This no-nonsense blend features the same core as its big brother, utilizing a Cameroon binder atop Nicaraguan long-fillers from Esteli, Condega, and Pueblo Nuevo. The difference lies in the uber-spicy Ecuadorian Habano ligero wrapper leaf. This high priming new addition gives Aquitaine the full body and full flavor that has been making fanatics return to the trough for years. Featuring heady notes of white pepper, earth, and a bold spicy sweetness, this is one concoction with a recipe for greatness.