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Montecristo cigars are flawlessly crafted by hand with Dominican grown, Cuban seed long filler and Connecticut shade wrappers
Many consider the famous Montecristo cigar brand to be the finest cigar in the world. This refined blend has been aged well, which adds a nice, complex depth to the flavor of this classic cigar. Each size in the line boasts superior construction and a rare blend of exquisite tobaccos, yielding a satisfying, medium-bodied profile. Try a box of Montecristo cigars today and save at our discounted prices.
Montecristo has received numerous 90-ratings, and a 91-rating in Cigar Insider, noting: "This well-made cigar shines with oils and is well made. It is steely, smooth and creamy, with lots of white pepper flavor and a pleasant kick of herbs on the palate."