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Providing quality cigars since 1882, Garcia y Vega delivers an affordable natural leaf cigarillo in the new 1882. This sweet mellow-bodied little guy yields a rich, smooth flavor and is accompanied by nice pleasant aroma. Perfect for a quick flavorful smoke!
Love 'em; my new Backwoods replacement!
Freaking great taste and aroma! So much so I bought 4 boxes. Great everyday running around little cigar. WOW!
If you're a long time Backwoods smoker....then do as I have and try these! Much better quality and similar flavor!
I too am a long time Backwoods smoker, I prefer the "Honey Berry" flavor. I do agree with the consistency of the 1882 cigars being rolled perfectly, as well as the mildness. The only drawback is the flavor is no where near the backwoods. I would recommend these cigars to anyone whom likes the taste of a mild cigar and not being overpowered in the sweetness of flavor. Great cigars at a great price!
I have been a backwoods guy for 10 years or so, they go thru good and bad production runs. I average 20-30% bad cigars per pack but I package them up and send to address on package and they replace free of charge except shipping. Then CI sent me some 1882 samples, I just ordered 3 boxes. They are perfect mild cigars with no imperfections yet on the single cigars. So was backwoods though. We will see.
Years (decades?) long Backwoods smoker. Finally fed up by all the holes and bad construction. Tried dozens of alternatives. Then I found the 1882s. Almost identical to Backwoods. The taste is slightly different, but still very mild. Not harsh at all, like some of the other Backwoods imitators. Best news - no holes, no breakage, no cigars wrapped so tight they won't draw. Very well made. Recommended