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Double the happiness, for a fraction of the cost!
If you enjoy cigars, you’ve had a Dominican cigar. You’ve probably also had some from Nicaragua, Honduras, the US, and maybe even Cuba (gasp!). But have you ever had a cigar from the Philippines? The island nation started cranking out premium handmade cigars about two decades ago, and they’re certainly making a mark with brands like Double Happiness!
The Double Happiness Cazadores isn’t the fanciest cigar in the world. You won’t need to wear a white glove and cut it with a solid gold cutter. What it is, however, is a solid, great tasting golden Connecticut wrapped short-filler cigar that’s perfect with your morning coffee or yardwork. Sold in super economical 50 count bundles for just pennies a stick, there’s no better way to get such great mellow-bodied gems for such a low price.