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For close to a decade now, Nicaragua has been the king of handmade cigars. The former underdog of the cigar world, now pumps out some of the finest blends in our revered industry. Among the companies producing these stellar blends is Nica Libre brand cigars, a reliable brand with potent, flavorful blends. Nica Libre is a company that combines the three things most cigar enthusiasts look for in a good stick flavor, quality leaf and affordability with every cigar they produce. Their modest portfolio is full of treasures at amazingly low prices, you are sure to find a favorite.
The original Nica Libre is box-pressed, medium-bodied, classic Maduro experience: rich, hearty, and silky smooth. With deep notes of coffee and earth that smack the palate in balanced fashion, leaving behind a bold, somewhat peppery aftertaste that lingers long on the palate. The blend blend showcases an aged combination of Nicaraguan long-fillers secured within a Habano binder, inside dark and oily, positively resplendent San Andres Maduro wrapper.
If full-bodied is your preferred choice, Nica Libre Silver 25th Anniversary showcases a love and pride for the country of its conception. The, charismatic blend hosts a bevy of vintage Nicaraguan long-fillers, all hugged by a refined Nicaraguan binder. A gorgeous, reddish-hued, Cuban-seed Habano wrapper encases this stew of tobaccos. The result is a well-balanced, aromatic experience, chock-full of honey, dark cocoa, and leather nuances that shows why the lush soils of Nicaragua are so renowned.
Nica Libre continues to impress with each new cigar they release. We can't wait to see what they come up with next!