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Jose Pepin Garcia and his family established their small factory in Little Havana in 2003. At the time, they could not have imagined how their passion for cigars would go on to build one of the most recognized names in the cigar game, My Father. Six years later they opened their large My Father factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, and things have only been going up from there. Together Pepin and his son Jaime Garcia created 12 lines of cigars and limited editions since then. With tons of 90+, 95+, and even a 97-rating for My Father La Bijou 1922 a medium to full-bodied cigar resonating notes of chocolate-covered raisins, leather, and a salty-sweet finish, and a pair of Cigar of the Year awards under their belt, My Father is leading the pack in the cigar game. Get in on these My Father cigars now, and discover the modern legend of the tobacco world.