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Rest easy, friend. I know what you’re on the prowl for. A well-made line of cigars that deliver puff after puff that’ll go easy on the wallet. Right? Good, then step into my office. Cuba Libre is carefully crafted by Nestor Plasencia utilizing hand-selected wrappers, and brimming with aged, hearty long-fillers. Cuba Libre cigars sound good because they are good, real good. And after you get a glimpse at my everyday prices, you’ll be singing Kum-ba-ya with a Cuba Libre cigar in hand. Sink your teeth into this meaty Cuban-seed cigar extravaganza full of earthy and leather tones with a toasty influence. If this medium-bodied beauty isn't enough, you'll love the Cuba Libre One, a robust full-bodied cigar flawlessly draped in a flavorful Habano-seed ligero wrapper that's bold and complex yet perfectly balanced offering notes of coffee, earth, leather, cream, and a sweet and spicy finish. What are you waiting for? Get these delicious Cuban-esque cigars before they start flying off the shelves.