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CLE Cigars marked Christian Luis Eiora’s return to the cigar world. After blending numerous 90+ rated blends for Camacho, Christian Eiora came into the cigar world on his own attempting to answer the question, “What would you do if you were able to do it all over again?” Apparently, the answer to that question is simply: Create more delicious cigars. These Honduran made beauties are perfect examples of what a cigar icon is capable of. With over 100 years and 3 generations of experience in tobacco that involves the CLE brand, it's no wonder that these cigars are just as fantastic.
From the well-made Corojo full of earthy coffee flavors with a sweet vanilla finish, to the stronger Prieto offering a well-balanced draw and burn that mellows out into a sweet nutty finish no matter which CLE cigar you light up, you recognize the pride poured into every intricate part of each CLE premium.