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Ashton cigars are loved by everyone. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, Ashton cigars use only the finest, aged Dominican tobaccos to produce high-quality blend. Ashton's commitment to quality is well-known in the industry, as they strive to ensure each Ashton cigar you burn is a perfect experience. Working with masters of their craft like the Fuente family and Don Pepin Garcia, Ashton has created collaborations that anyone can enjoy.
Originally, this brand was known for their subtle cigars. Their top shelf, vintage beauties like Ashton Cabinet Selection are mellow and smooth, with an elegant profile perfect for any mellow cigar fan. However, Ashton has proven they can do full-bodied cigars just as well with blends like the Ashton VSG. This Sun Grown wrapped blend is filled with Dominican long-fillers aged 4-5 years, and bursts with flavor. Whatever Ashton cigar you choose, rest assured knowing you’re getting one of the best blends around.
Ashton also hasn't forgotten the pipe enthusiast. They have a series of blends that cover the spectrum of styles and flavor profiles. No matter how you choose to kick back and relax, Ashton has you covered.