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In their massive factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, Drew Estate makes the best brands in the world, among them are ACID cigars. It’s a bold claim, but from their traditional blends to their uniquely infused ACID cigar products, they’ve built a huge foundation of winners. With the tagline “The Rebirth of Cigars”, Drew is constantly focused on getting you the best cigars around.
So what makes ACID so special? Unlike a lot of other flavored cigars, ACID brand cigars are all entirely handmade with premium tobaccos. Many flavored cigar companies use the scraps of other tobaccos to make their stogies. These overly sweet, quick-burning blends are not what a cigar enthusiast wants. ACID does the process right. Using all top-quality, long-filler leaves, ACID cigars burn just as smooth and cool as any other handmade on the market. From ACID's Kuba Kuba to Blondie, each of these has something completely one of a kind to offer. If you're a true cigar enthusiast, do yourself a favor and check out Def Sea and Opulence 3 - two limited edition ACID blends that up the game in a serious way. Short on time? ACID Krush Cigarillos deliver maximum flavor in minimal time. But no matter what you're looking for, ACID cigars always deliver.