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Morning, noon, and night. What do they all have in common? Each qualifies as a great time to burn a Man O’ War Cigar. A line of cigars full of character and flavor, there’s never a bad time to light one up! And today, I’m here to make that possible for you.
My newly assembled Mega-Sampler features four unique Man O’ War blends in four different sizes - from Gordo to Churchill – that each dish out big-time flavors. Ruination is the top-selling, full-bodied powerhouse with velvety smooth flavors. Virtue was the brand’s first mellow cigar, proving a gentler morning cigar was in their wheelhouse. Valkyrie is their shiny new Connecticut, featuring a rare Desflorado leaf that’s used on uber expensive cigars like Padron and Davidoff. The growing process allows more nutrients to enter the leaf, making for one of the most flavorful Connecticut cigars in the game. Lastly, Abomination brings it all home with potent Nicaraguan blend that delivers boatloads of flavor with a smooth, balanced finish.
Mellow to full-bodied, with no shortage of flavor in sight, this Mega-Sampler provides 20 great cigars for any occasion.
The Man O' War Mega-Sampler II includes:5 - Man O' War Ruination Robusto #2 (6.0" x 60)5 - Man O' War Virtue Torpedo (6.5" x 52)5 - Man O' War Valkyrie Churchill (6.7" x 48)5 - Man O' War Abomination Toro (6" x 50)