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Gorgeous.The Preferidos line was the first cigar manufactured in the Dominican Republic back in 1903. Its beautiful, unique shape was designed to offer a perfect blend of varying intensities. Preferidos, the cigar that established the cigar-making tradition of the Dominican Republic, is now rolled in limited quantities. This time-tested, super-premium cigar offers the finest wrappers and vintage long-fillers aged patiently aged in rum barrels.
The La Aurora Preferidos Platinum wears a toothy Ecuadorian Cameroon wrapper atop a Dominican binder and a combination of African Cameroon, Brazilian, and Dominican long-filler tobaccos. Earthy and rich, this medium to full-bodied expression of blending expertise features an earthy-sweet profile of cocoa, coffee, oak, and nuts. Unique yet familiar, this is a cigar that can please any palate.
Great news! La Aurora Preferidos Platinum has received a 91-point rating, noting: "Pleasant wheaty notes underscore some notes of freshly ground black pepper corn that lead to a warm leathery, salt-and-pepper-like finish."