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Rough ‘n’ ready.
Some cigars pride themselves on balance and complexity. And some cigars crank the dial up to 11. Nica Rustica Broadleaf is firmly in the latter category. Blended specifically to deliver a huge blast of flavor on every single draw, Nica Rustica Broadleaf is a medium to full-bodied cigar lover's dream come true.
Nica Rustica Broadleaf utilizes a dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that’s got real character. On the inside, a blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers from Esteli and Jalapa are nestled inside a Mexican San Andres Negro binder. The flavor is spicy and robust, contributing perfectly to the overall feel of rustic charm. Notes of spice and coffee linger on the palate, and that intense finish you notice is purely intentional. From the pigtail cap to the covered foot this handmade was crafted to be enjoyed time after time.
Nica Rustica Broadleaf has recently earned a 90-rating, with the review stating, "A blackish cigar applied with a sloppy pigtail cap. Its toasty coffee bean character also has an earthy quality enlivened by an herbal anise note."