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Dark and delicious Davidoff-made blends all in one place! With state-of-the-art quality control, brands like Camacho, AVO, and Ferio Tego consistently pump out top-notch blends that pack on the flavor with consistent quality. This selection of 15 of the finest Maduro-wrapped gems from Davidoff offers rich and robust nuances from mature tobaccos. The Camacho Triple Maduro is the first of its kind to use all Maduro leaves in its blend. Medium to full-bodied, it packs a flavorful punch. The AVO Classic Maduro lands on the softer side but doesn't skimp on richness. The Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper offers up a chocolatey nuance with a breadiness that is hard to beat. Finally, the Ferio Tego Metropolitan Host Maduro knocks it out of the park with dark Honduran tobaccos. It's smooth, medium-bodied, and is polished off with a sweetened cap. I'd light that one up after a satiating Sunday dinner.Davidoff of Geneva's Maduro Delights Sampler includes:5 - Camacho Triple Maduro Robusto (5" x50)5 - AVO Classic Maduro Robusto (5" x50)5 - Ferio Tego Metropolitan Host Maduro Hobart (5" x 50)