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For a good clean feeling, no matter what.BJ Long’s Pipe Cleaners....the jokes just flow all too easily. But I’ll spare you, and this product deserves a more serious approach anyway. Highly functional, highly affordable, BJ Long’s Pipe Cleaners are all about substance. A great and inexpensive product to keep your pipe clean and smoking great.BJ Long’s Rough Bristle Pipe Cleaners are rough and tough, effortlessly removing the gunk from your pipe no matter how dirty it may be. Made with just the right amount of absorbency, these cleaners know how to get the job done.
BJ Long’s Fluffy Pipe Cleaners are extra-soft and absorbent. These cleaners are gentle, yet super effective. They’re a lot like a roll of Charmin extra-soft for your pipe.
BJ Long's Regular Pipe Cleaners are the classic, versatile cleaner designed for a myriad of uses.
Good tool for the pipe.
Works like a charm. Gonna stock up on these next chance I get!
Great deal on this item, can never have too many!
They're good and effective for cleaning my pipe, and not too expensive.
I was using normal cleaners for my Dr. Grabow pipe and found these and gave them a try. They cleaned what other cleaners missed very well and are well worth the money.
.... you're gonna love these pipe cleaners. The wire is robust enough to not crumple while guided through small openings. I'm sold on these babies ... stock up ... they are far-out.
I've been looking for these locally, with no luck. Finding them here, and for the price...made this a "no-brainer!" I would advise anyone needing buy in abundance,
What can I say, they're pipe cleaners. Stiff bristle for deep cleaning. A must for every pipe smoker.
Just a word to the wise, the 12" cleaners, although listed as 'extra fluffy' are actually only regular.
They're pipe cleaners and they do their job. Great price for them, so stock up and keep your pipes clean!
Love them, especially the price. I don't feel like I have to be frugal in using them. I bought several hundred of them because my pipes are much more expensive than my pipe cleaners. Got to take care of my investments, you know.