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Dark n’ rich.
Bandidos. A humble bundle of smooth n’ sweet cigarillos that’s become one of our absolute best-sellers in a matter of a few years. No lie. They may not be the prettiest on the eyes, but they’re damn tasty and insanely enjoyable to burn through… why else would guys come into our Bethlehem, PA store and buy these by the literal armful?
Today, we’ve got a brand new addition to the Bandidos profile, the first sequel to this monstrous success story. Welcome, Bandidos Black. Handmade in the same style as the original Bandidos, the Black is a darker, richer version of the cigar that’s just as delicious as the first. Wrapped in an Olancho leaf with a slightly sweetened tip, you’ll find plenty to love with this new edition. Just be warned — if this thing is even half as popular as the first Bandidos then an insane mob is forming, ready to pillage our warehouse of all of our inventory right about… now.