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CI S-CHIP Buster #2,481.
One could view Bahia Trinidad as not merely a cigar but an indispensable weapon in the war on high cigar prices. Oh yes, that just happened. CI prices on this nice little handmade will transport you to a time when, pre-SCHIP taxes, there was a quaint notion of cigars actually being affordable. Well, click the heels of your ruby slippers gents because we’re back in Kansas and these cigars are practically chump change!
Here’s a Nicaraguan puro crafted with a dark and oily Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper cultivated 2 years ago, optimally fermented and then tucked away for a cedar-nap ever since. Combined with this wrapper is a blend of 4-year-old Nicaraguan long-leaf tobaccos grown from Cuban seeds in Esteli and Condega. The end result is an aromatic, medium-bodied mix with mingling notes of cedar, cinnamon, and sweet tobacco flavors. Actually the real end result is a toothy grin on your haggard face after you realize all this cost you peanuts.