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A brilliant collection of Ashton.The highly-rated Ashton brand has a lot to be proud of: one 94-rating, ten 93-ratings, sixteen 92s, twenty-six 91s, and many more. But who's counting? This sampler lets you try their finest blends, in their best sizes, There's really no way to lose with this Arturo Fuente-made brand. And this gorgeously presented gift box will undoubtedly prove that. The Ashton Sampler Collection includes:1 - Ashton 898 (6.5" x 44)1 - Ashton Magnum (5" x 50)1 - Ashton Cabinet Selection Pyramid (6.4" x 52)1 - Ashton Cabinet Selection #8 (7" x 49)1 - Ashton Aged Maduro #20 (5.5" x 44)1 - Ashton Aged Maduro #40 (6" x 50)1 - Ashton Heritage Belicoso (4.8" x 49)1 - Ashton Heritage Corona Gorda (5.75" x 46)1 - Ashton VSG Robusto (5.5" x 50)1 - Ashton VSG Sorcerer (7" x 49)