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An utterly unique collection of cigars.ACID cigars are rolled in Esteli, Nicaragua, a unique blend with a richly aromatic quality. These long-filler cigars are cured with essential herbs, oils and botanicals to give ACID a truly one-of-a-kind taste and aromatic influence. Unlike most cigars, each size within the line offers a different blend, flavor and distinct smoking experience. The ACID Collector's Tin includes:
1 x ACID Kuba Kuba (5.0"x54)
1 x ACID Blondie (4.0"x38)
1 x ACID Blondie Maduro (4.0"x38)
1 x ACID 1400cc (5.0"x50)
3 x ACID Krush Blue (4.0" x 32)
1 x ACID 20 Maduro Robusto (5.0" x 52)
1 x ACID 20 CT Toro (6.0" x 54)
1 x ACID Extraordinary Larry (6.0"x60)
1 x ACID Cold Infusion (6.7"x44)
1 x ACID Atom Maduro (5.0"x50)