Royally delicious.
Possibly the most exclusive and elusive offering in the cigar industry and certainly the most sought after in Davidoff of Geneva’s illustrious portfolio, Davidoff Royal is truly something special. Packed to the gills with complexity and captivating flavors, this gem will take you on a medium to full-bodied journey in one of the most refined blends to ever be concocted.
Gracing the top of this beauty is an extensively-aged, silky-smooth Dominican wrapper leaf that has not and will never appear on any other Davidoff cigar. Beneath, a bevy of carefully selected vintage Dominican long-fillers and an Ecuadorian Habano binder meld beautifully together. Extremely rich and well-balanced, Davidoff Royal delivers in spades with succulent notes of fresh cedar, sweet honey, citrus, and earth. With extremely limited quantities, this is a blend for the ages that you won’t want to miss out on.
Royally delicious.
Possibly the most exclusive and elusive offering in the cigar industry and certainly the most sought after in Davidoff of Geneva’s illustrious portfolio, Davidoff Royal is truly something special. Packed to the gills with complexity and captivating flavors, this gem will take you on a medium to full-bodied journey in one of the most refined blends to ever be concocted.
Gracing the top of this beauty is an extensively-aged, silky-smooth Dominican wrapper leaf that has not and will never appear on any other Davidoff cigar. Beneath, a bevy of carefully selected vintage Dominican long-fillers and an Ecuadorian Habano binder meld beautifully together. Extremely rich and well-balanced, Davidoff Royal delivers in spades with succulent notes of fresh cedar, sweet honey, citrus, and earth. With extremely limited quantities, this is a blend for the ages that you won’t want to miss out on.